Monday, 20 September 2010

Jim Reed

Jim Reed is world famous for his extreme weather photography, some of his images are astounding. He is what is known as a storm chaser, very death defiying job. Some of his images are so extrodinary, you wont even belive them to be real.
The thing that I adore about his photography is how he has captured something so close up and with precise acuracy, just before it is about to destroy creations, cities, towns, peoples lives and even kill. He must only have a few vital seconds before he has to run for his life yet the image is so clear and captures the moment so perfectly.
When you look at the colours and the movement you can just feel the intensity within the image, i would love to be able to create an image like this but I highly dout I will have the chance  ...

Any way here are some examples and heres the link take a look and tell us what you think ...


  1. Wow, I love those photographs!

  2. These photographs are really good, and clearly the artist is dedicated to his profession chasing the storms to be photographed. I love the first one with the serene setting which is about to be bombed by a storm.

  3. A good analysis of this work with particular attention to mood/emotion and story telling. How can this type of work influence what you are wanting to make? Is it the color, the drama, the reaction to the work that you are drawn to?
